Monthly Archives: December 2013


Hey there RYPEness! Happy Holidays folks! Can you believe that Christmas is in just 5 days??!! Wow, the year has just blown past. That being said, we are right in the midst of the season of over-indulging, over-spending and just plain … Continue reading

Destination is good!

Hey there RYPEness!!

So we all get into our fitness slumps. Nothing seems exciting anymore. Your favorite run routes have becoming mundane. The weather is not the most friendly for any outside training.  It just plain kinda sucks.

Well…do I have the remedy for the rounding fall and heading into winter training blues! The Reggae Marathon, Half Marathlon & 10K was about the most fun I have had doing a race and then chillin’ hard AFTER the race…ever. From the people, to the excitement of starting a race at 5:15AM, to the music, to the well organized set up (tons of water stations), to the scenery (frequent glimpses of the ocean as you ran down the road lined with cheering Jamaicans and foreign spectators), it was, in a word, AWESOME! And then after you have run your distance, crossed the finish line and gulped down fresh coconut water served right out of the coconut, complete with straw…you grab a Red Stripe and relax your feet in the ocean.

Shiggity don’t get no better than that.

However, if tropical bliss aint your thing, then find a cool destination race in a place of interest to you. There are all kinds of lists that reference good races, like Forbes Magazines Top 10 Marathons Worth Traveling For. Grab a few of your best buddies and get them to sign up too, then the party begins. Motivating each other to do the training workouts is a lot more fun, and then the race itself becomes much more than a race! It’s a way to settle that bet…its a much needed BFF get-away…its a fun party that’s packed with healthy well-being elements that are not only going to enrich your physical self, but your mental and spiritual as well. There is something to be said about all of the studies being done on the concept of group exercise. There is also something to be said about all of the thought and effort being put into executing “cool races in cool places”. Bottom line…it works for people.

So…check the listings, find a race, grab your crew and start the journey! I can guarantee that you may find adding one of these types of races to your schedule will become an annual “must do!”

Just trying to “Inspire YOU to Tri”!

Getting ready to get it in!

Getting ready to get it in!